Monday, December 21, 2009

Investing In Shares What Do I Need To Know Before Investing In A New Company?

What do I need to know before investing in a new company? - investing in shares

Nobody in my family has invested money. We save. I was always taught that it is a game, and "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably."
A relative has recently invested in a new company, and has a great performance in a single month. My husband is looking to invest as much money as possible.
I would not even have to know before they invest any money?
Please do not use technical terms, as I said, I never invested.


pandadie... said...

Do not invest more than they can afford to lose. If you had a great return in terms of extent of your condition may in Small-cap stocks are also called oenny that are known to be very risky and you can lose much, if not all of them. Moreover, if I am in a lot latley need for a correction in prices, the PU; back. Hope this helps a little.

Amit said...

First, invest only a portion of their income in stocks. You should diverisfy its investment in Bank FD, provident funds public postal system, NPS, stocks and mutual funds. not invest a lot to go in too. gradual increase in investment. Read business news through times of economic or magazines. Business Channel Check out the news.
invest only if they know about, if you know what you are doing more than one result.
More on Yahoo Answers of facilities for the use of all knowledge.
To invest, despite the strong level of investment at the beginning of the first and learn different advantages and disadvantages of investing in shares.
I hope it helps.
While investing is the best place to win.

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